This is a flutter app to decode the Sri Lankan NIC (National Identity Card) number, developed as the final project for the CCS3351 Mobile Application Development module of University.
- Extracts Date of birth, gender and person's ability to vote
- Material 3 design
- GetX for State Management
- Url_launcher and linkify for launching web links
- Flutter launcher icons for generating launcher icons
- Flutter test and mockito for testing
- Dart doc for api documentation
- Github actions for CI/CD
Folder Structure
- .github - Contains the github actions workflow files
- assets - Contains the app launcher icon and other assets
- docs - Contains the auto-generated dart doc
- lib - Contains all the code for the application
- model - Contains the data model for the NIC with the decoding logic
- controllers - Contains the GetX controllers for NIC decoding and Navigation
- screens - Contains the UI screens
- main.dart - Entry point of the app
- test - Contains all the test files
- controllers - Contains the tests for the GetX controllers
- Material 3 - The app follows the Material 3 design guidelines
- Custom Icons - Custom icons are used for the app logo and the launcher icon
- Brand Icons - Brand icons are taken from the simpleicons.org
- Colors - The app uses a custom color palette inspired by Catppuccin mocha theme
Wireframe and design files are available through Figma.
API documentaion
Docs are generated from dart doc, deployed with GitHub Pages and can be viewed from here.
- Grab the latest apk installer from releases.
- Chose the arm64-v8a version for most of the modern devices. (2016 and above)
- Chose the armabi-v7a version for older devices.
- Enable apk sideloading on your device.
- Open up the
file and follow the instructions.
As of now, installation packages are only available for android devices. If you wish to use this app on an iOS device, you will have to compile it from source. See compilation for more information.
- Flutter SDK 3.6.0 or above
- Android studio latest
- Clone the repository and change to the directory:
git clone https://github.com/Chamal1120/flutter_nic_decoder.git
cd flutter_nic_decoder
- Sync the packages:
flutter pub get
- Compile for your device:
flutter build apk --release # For android
flutter build ios --release # For ios
- Flutter SDK 3.6.0 or above
- Android Studio latest
- Code editor that supports Flutter Development (VSCode, Android Studio, Neovim, etc.)
- Emulator configured through Android studio or AVD Manager (or a physical device)
- Follow step 1 and 2 from compilation section.
- Run the emulator or connect your physical device:
flutter devices # To list all the devices
flutter emulators --launch <emulator_name> # To launch an emulator
- Run the app in debug mode:
flutter run
- Open up lib folder (where most of the code lives) and start developing.
This is an unlicensed project, as i'm doing it for an assignment in one of my University modules. I might later add an MIT license after when asignment has graded so anyone can use this for whatever purposes.
Thank You
You're a cool human being if you read it up to here.